Expect the Best!

Expect the Best!

Happy New Year!

We say that so easily, don’t we? We are sincere (I am being sincere!), but if we dig into the phrase, it contains our hopes and anxieties for the coming twelve months

This December….Curl up with a romantic story that takes you places!

Hi friends, I hope your fall season is fragrant with crisp, falling leaves and apple cider. I hope winter is magical, with twinkling lights and promises of hope and redemption. So, what’s better than roasting chestnuts on an open fire? Curling up with a Christmas romance. But One December only starts at Christmas . . . and ends the following Christmas. I’d like to take you on a vicarious trip to Paris. But FIRST, you need to meet Mike and Nikki, who get back together One December after three...
Real History in North Carolina

Real History in North Carolina

Times were hard and about to get worse.

Between the years 2000 and 2010, the U. S. lost over 700,000 jobs in textile mills and apparel factories. Many of these were in North Carolina, where textile was once a major industry, more important than furniture or tobacco.

This is the setting of my most recent novel, Circle Back Around, which takes place

God our Fortress (and A New Book!)

God our Fortress (and A New Book!)

As I write this post I am in Raleigh awaiting the arrival of a “monstrous” hurricane. It’s a strange feeling knowing that, despite currently sunny skies, in two days it will come and there’s nothing we can do but prepare water and flashlights

A Blog Tour! and chance to win…

A Blog Tour!

Did you know that there are dedicated men and women who LOVE reading and provide thoughtful reviews as well as ideas for new inspirational fiction books to read?

One of my books has the privilege of being featured on…not one…but nine

Follow up on a French Adventure

Follow up on a French Adventure

How about inspirational fiction that takes you places?

Last month I wrote about my trip to France in May. Now that I’m back, I’ll give you some highlights, share a few photos, and pull back the curtain on some places you’ll find in Prodigals in Provence, which takes place in the Luberon region of