Blog Stories
Real History in North Carolina
Times were hard and about to get worse.
Between the years 2000 and 2010, the U. S. lost over 700,000 jobs in textile mills and apparel factories. Many of these were in North Carolina, where textile was once a major industry, more important than furniture or tobacco.
This is the setting of my most recent novel, Circle Back Around, which takes place
God our Fortress (and A New Book!)
As I write this post I am in Raleigh awaiting the arrival of a “monstrous” hurricane. It’s a strange feeling knowing that, despite currently sunny skies, in two days it will come and there’s nothing we can do but prepare water and flashlights
Is Anyone Listening?
There’s this awkward situation. You know the one I mean. We’ve all been there. You go to a restaurant or to a party. Almost everyone knows one another.
You’re the new kid. You introduce yourself and everyone does the same with a vague, generic smile. And that’s often as far as it goes. They then turn to the
Staying in the Shelter
It started early in the morning. I was meditating on the lyrics of a Christian song and I teared up. When that happens, it makes my soul feel alive as I enter into what I’m reading or praying or thinking about. I know it’s touched me deeply, leaving a lasting reference.
A Blog Tour! and chance to win…
A Blog Tour!
Did you know that there are dedicated men and women who LOVE reading and provide thoughtful reviews as well as ideas for new inspirational fiction books to read?
One of my books has the privilege of being featured on…not one…but nine
Encouragement in Strange Places
You just never know how you’ll get a nudge from God. Most people don’t think they see evidence for God’s work because they aren’t looking for it. Those that do look for it see it everywhere. But even then, it’s an acquired habit that begins with faith and a decision to look for his fingerprints.
However, sometimes it happens when you least expect it . . . and how you least expect it.
Follow up on a French Adventure
How about inspirational fiction that takes you places?
Last month I wrote about my trip to France in May. Now that I’m back, I’ll give you some highlights, share a few photos, and pull back the curtain on some places you’ll find in Prodigals in Provence, which takes place in the Luberon region of
What About the Prodigal?
Do you know anyone who you’d call a prodigal? Someone who used to be filled with the light and power of Christ, but has somehow, somewhere along the way, lost the fire, lost their first love?
This could happen for any number of reasons: negligence, the attraction of the world, lack of understanding. Very often, however,
Three Weeks to Go
As I type I am still in my American home, but my mind is far away. In three weeks I will leave for France for my second annual trip since moving back Stateside nearly five years ago.
I talked about this trip in my last post. Now the time is even closer and I’m not sure I’m ready! For one thing,
Next Steps . . . On the Move in France
Over a year ago I talked to you about a novel I wrote that takes place in Provence, France. You might wonder, what happened to that book? It is called Prodigals in Provence and is the story of Bree Sorenson, who leads tours to Provence with her friend Lauren, and Travis Jeffries, wounded ex-missionary turned travel documentary star.
It’s Here! A New Book for You!
Hello, Friends
The last time I wrote to you I made a big announcement: the unveiling of my first self-published book, One December. You had an opportunity to read Chapter One (Did you do it? I sure hope you did!) but the full book was not available yet.
Well, NOW it is! The paperback was not difficult to produce, but the e-book version took a few more days. Finally it, too, is ready to read from cover to cover. There is a special introductory price of $4.99 right now for the electronic version. Read it on your Kindle or phone or tablet.
I hope you enjoy One December, the story of Nikki and Mike. Not only has this story been on my heart for many years, but much of it takes place in my favorite city, Paris.
Welcome to the New Kyle Hunter Adventure!
Hello, friends. I have exciting news to share with you! You who have subscribed to my posts will be the first to visit my new, completely redesigned website. Have a look around and learn about the new direction I am taking with my inspirational fiction. I’m very excited to launch my first book in the Love on the Move collection, One December. I hope you’ll visit my site and read the first chapter for free. It is a story that has been on my heart for many years and I can’t wait to share it with you!