A North Carolina Story for You (and news)

A North Carolina Story for You (and news)

Hello, friends! I hope July has you enjoying life, being entertained, or otherwise doing something fun, and taking some resting and family time. I’m trying to take advantage of the fact that in North Carolina, July and August are very hot. (In other words, making the best of it!) I’ll cut back a little on my French teaching this summer to focus on finishing the Sydney book and tweaking my website. I’ll do some brainstorming on the Eden book, the last in the series, as well as start dreaming...
Kyle’s Fall Newsletter 2019

Kyle’s Fall Newsletter 2019

Seems like a cliché to say that time goes fast. I’ve heard older people say that the older you get, the faster it goes. I hope that’s not true since I have a lot of things I want to do and enjoy. The idea of age hits me once in a while when I visit my Mom, who is 84. She’s a bit slower, forgets a couple of things once in a while, but inside the same wise woman who guided and inspired me all my life. In August of this year, yes, just a month ago, she moved from Virginia to my city, Raleigh, NC...
Real History in North Carolina

Real History in North Carolina

Times were hard and about to get worse.

Between the years 2000 and 2010, the U. S. lost over 700,000 jobs in textile mills and apparel factories. Many of these were in North Carolina, where textile was once a major industry, more important than furniture or tobacco.

This is the setting of my most recent novel, Circle Back Around, which takes place

What About the Prodigal?

What About the Prodigal?

Do you know anyone who you’d call a prodigal? Someone who used to be filled with the light and power of Christ, but has somehow, somewhere along the way, lost the fire, lost their first love?

This could happen for any number of reasons: negligence, the attraction of the world, lack of understanding. Very often, however,