Goodbye, 2021! (And Happy New Year!)

Goodbye, 2021! (And Happy New Year!)

Are you glad to see 2021 go away? (And didn’t we feel the same way after 2020?) This time we might be less optimistic as we transition to a new calendar year. After all, we had high hopes last year that Covid would be a thing of the past but here we find ourselves in the midst of a new variant. One day this post will be history, evidence of a scary time in our lives, only a bad memory. We’ll all say, “I’m glad that’s over!” But not yet. So, how do we face the coming year? With enthusiasm about...
Keep Dreaming

Keep Dreaming

I’ve always been a gal who had a lot of dreams and lists of goals. Every January, I’d spend part of a day thinking, daydreaming about what I wanted to accomplish that year. Of course, I usually had way too many objectives to accomplish, but having many ideals meant I’d usually accomplish at least a few of them. In our current days, it’s gotten harder to dream. We wonder where we’ll be in our lives a year from now. Will Covid still be an unwelcome fixture on the landscape of our lives? Will we...

Encouragement in Strange Places

You just never know how you’ll get a nudge from God. Most people don’t think they see evidence for God’s work because they aren’t looking for it. Those that do look for it see it everywhere. But even then, it’s an acquired habit that begins with faith and a decision to look for his fingerprints.

However, sometimes it happens when you least expect it . . . and how you least expect it.