Seasons and Other Changes

Seasons and Other Changes

I hope your month of October is as crisp, clear, and exhilarating as mine is. The leaves haven’t started turning yet, though the acorns have begun to fall. (I have 5 oak trees in my backyard!) You can hear the acorns pinging and clacking on the roof, carport, and any other hard surface. It doesn’t last long, then the fall symphony will change from sound to color. Can’t wait! It’s great weather for biking, and this year I decided to get more disciplined. Discipline is less necessary than I...
Julia is Coming

Julia is Coming

Julia is coming. Wait, let me explain. Julia De Luca is the main character of my new novel, available later this month. Julia Redesigned, the first sequel to Marissa Rewritten. If you read Marissa Rewritten, a novella, you learn that Marissa has three close friends. Julia, Sydney, and Eden. The four women were friends in college 25 years earlier. Following years of different lives in various cities, they find themselves empty nesters (or almost) and single in mid-life. They decide to start...