The Return of Brenner Falls . . . Book Two!

The Return of Brenner Falls . . . Book Two!

Custom Made is coming soon! Over halfway through summer, and I wonder where it all went. Is it just me, or does it feel like it just started? I hope yours has been fun and relaxing so far. Though I know not all summers are relaxing. That’s another story! During much of my summer (and spring) I focused on my biggest project of this year, Custom Made, the second book in the Brenner Falls Romance series. I’m nearly at the finish line and plan to launch it in August. I’m excited to share it...
Why and How to Write a Book Review

Why and How to Write a Book Review

Writing a Book Review: Why and How   You see a book that triggers your attention, but you don’t know the author. You might take a chance if the book’s on sale or free.   Why Reviews Are Important to Both Authors and Readers   Another influence is a review or taking note of the number of stars a book has. In the exponentially growing world of online book sales, reviews are important to both authors and readers. As a reader, I don’t need to tell you how useful it is when you look...
Falling Trees and Book News

Falling Trees and Book News

It’s been quite the year for trees. Last summer, I had to take 4 down. Then two more fell right after Christmas. What’s going on with the trees? I had to find out. I learned that the type of tree that kept falling, a beautiful type of cypress, also had shallow roots, even at physical maturity. Although they’d grown tall and lush with evergreen foliage, their roots didn’t go very deep. Once rains and winds came for a few days, down they went. (My long-suffering neighbor has had two of them fall...
New Book! New Series! 50% off

New Book! New Series! 50% off

Hope your holidays were full of joy and fun! Now, the lull. But wait, there’s a new book out…it’s the book I’ve been telling you about. The one I just finished. Good Gifts It’s the first book in a brand-new series, the Brenner Falls Series. Brenner Falls is a small but up-and-coming town in the Susquehanna River Valley, Pennsylvania. The series starts with Nathan and Leah. (And will continue with a bunch of new friends you’ll want to meet!) Read about their...
Welcome to Brenner Falls!

Welcome to Brenner Falls!

A new series is just around the corner, so stay tuned! I hope you’re enjoying the holiday season and the joy, family time, and busyness that brings. I enjoy decorating, baking, and inviting friends. But it can be tiring to do all that! Which makes it even more important to remember God’s Good Gift to us, Jesus, who is the one that changed everything in history and in our lives. That’s one of the meanings behind the title of my new book, Good Gifts, which will be available soon. I hope you’re...
Another Way to Flourish

Another Way to Flourish

Do you have a special theme word for 2022? I thought mine would be “flourish” because I’d chosen that one last year and wasn’t sure it had happened. So, I chose it again. But God gave me a different one: solidification. Not as pretty a word as “flourish”. “Flourish” conjures images of dew-kissed flowers and feathery ferns sprouting by a bubbling spring. There is a lot of plant imagery in Scripture, symbolizing growth and vitality as well as fruitfulness. What images does “solidification” bring...