A Bit of Backstory

A Bit of Backstory

Hello, reading friends. How are things going for you, now that we’re going on a year? How many of you, like me, thought it would all be done by last summer? Back then, people called it the “new normal”, and I bristled. No, it can’t be the new normal. It’ll change, I told myself. Then I realized that “normal” comes in seasons. It doesn’t stay the same. It shifts day by day without our notice, like a large landmass or a glacier. Then one day, we realized we have changed, grown. One way or the...
Balance for the Year Ahead

Balance for the Year Ahead

I hope you are staying warm wherever you are! It’s nippy and gray even here in N.C. Welcome! I want to give a sincere and warm welcome to those of you who recently joined my Kyle Hunter corner following a Blog Tour that featured my book, A Promise in Provence. The book was showcased on several Christian fiction websites. I’m so glad you’re here! I’m guessing you’re a distinguished reader who appreciates a good, inspiring book about imperfect characters with big dreams (and things to learn.)...
Julia is Coming

Julia is Coming

Julia is coming. Wait, let me explain. Julia De Luca is the main character of my new novel, available later this month. Julia Redesigned, the first sequel to Marissa Rewritten. If you read Marissa Rewritten, a novella, you learn that Marissa has three close friends. Julia, Sydney, and Eden. The four women were friends in college 25 years earlier. Following years of different lives in various cities, they find themselves empty nesters (or almost) and single in mid-life. They decide to start...
What About those Lies?

What About those Lies?

The other day as I was working in my kitchen, I was listening to a Christian song. The singer sang about how God had been there with her through every stage of her life. What a wonderful and true principle that should have given me comfort. As she listed each stage of her life–childhood, adolescence, marriage, children– I felt an uncomfortable tug. Her life had followed such a “normal” course. My adolescence hadn’t been easy. My parents divorced when I was 12 and I struggled with...