A Summer Adventure

A Summer Adventure

What a summer it’s been so far. I have an adventure I want to tell you about. You probably already know it has something to do with my trip to France. I returned to the US on June 23 to a heat wave (which hasn’t stopped since then.) My memories were so sharp and recent, I wanted to share them with you.

The Crux of the Matter

The Crux of the Matter

Jesus wasn’t only a great man. He came for a purpose etched throughout eternity past and future. The ‘crux’ of his life was the cross. Crux means cross. A cross is a form that intersects itself. This was the intersection of God reaching to man, opening wide the long-promised door of fellowship and forgiveness. The shadow became clear. The mist of cryptic prophecies lifted away as Jesus hung on the cross, as the barrier of the temple veil was ripped by God himself from top to bottom. This was...
Seasons and Other Changes

Seasons and Other Changes

I hope your month of October is as crisp, clear, and exhilarating as mine is. The leaves haven’t started turning yet, though the acorns have begun to fall. (I have 5 oak trees in my backyard!) You can hear the acorns pinging and clacking on the roof, carport, and any other hard surface. It doesn’t last long, then the fall symphony will change from sound to color. Can’t wait! It’s great weather for biking, and this year I decided to get more disciplined. Discipline is less necessary than I...
Getting Books (Especially for Book Nerds and Other Story Lovers)

Getting Books (Especially for Book Nerds and Other Story Lovers)

How do you get books? Do you like a variety of methods? How do you like to read? Paper? A Kindle? Audio? What are your reading habits? Do you binge-read a series? Read only on vacation? Do you buy the next book an author publishes? We all have our reading habits and preferences. I know people who love the feel of a paperback book. I like that, too, and if they were priced the same as eBooks and didn’t take up any space at all (and cost no postage), I’d probably just buy paperbacks! Where do...
Fears and Worries

Fears and Worries

Does this look familiar to you? A thread of irritation needled Bree. How could Lauren not worry even a bit? Bree wished she knew Lauren’s secret for taking life in stride, bumps and all. Sometimes her (business) partner was almost too relaxed. Bree felt enough stress for both of them, but her worry wasn’t going to rescue them from disaster.                                                                                                    (from Prodigals in Provence) Indeed. How could Lauren...