Dream Boards

Hi! Here’s a fun topic. Have you ever heard of a dream board? It’s a fun way to make a visual reminder of the things you dream about for your future. God for sure has great plans for us, but he doesn’t mind at all if we dream a little! (Lots of our dreams come from him anyway!) As long as we hold them loosely, we can dream big, wide, and far.

A few years ago, at a church women’s event, we made dream boards. Inside, I scoffed just a little bit, because it didn’t seem like something I’d keep or be inspired by. Nevertheless, I got into it. I enjoyed the experience of putting the colors and shapes together with magazine photos, wallpaper swatches, lace, buttons, and whatever decorative pieces were at hand. What did I end up with? See for yourself!

You’ll see here that I have books in the top center. Writing is a dream I’ve had since the age of 10. These aren’t my books, but they represent books in my future, ones I’ll write, ones I’ve written (since I don’t plan to stop until my mind doesn’t work anymore!)

A theme you’ll see on the board is Europe since I’ve always loved it. One of my dreams is to make regular annual visits to different countries in Europe (maybe even stay a couple of months at a time), so that’s represented on the dream board. Pottery and photography, two of my hobbies. Cats and plants, since I love them both! A little map of Paris (my second hometown!)You get the idea. Might seem frivolous, but it was fun and gave me a visual reminder of a few of the things that make my heart hope. It hangs on my home office wall. Truthfully, I don’t look at it regularly, but once in a while, I do, and it reminds me to hang in there and keep hoping.

What are some things you dream about? Could you put it on a dream board? That would be a fun project for your family, especially with older kids. Or do it with a group of friends. We shouldn’t stop dreaming because we’re past a certain age or have already accomplished our main life objectives. Or because we’re “settled”. You never know what surprises God has for you, and rest assured, they’ll be good ones. Being open instead of settled is a great way to open the door to something new.

Here is a perspective on expanding our borders from my book, Mental Habits for Believers: 28 Days to New Thought Patterns.”

Sometimes we stop growing, learning, and expanding after we leave school. We get into a routine, and we aren’t curious anymore. We might be hesitant to learn new technologies, so we won’t even try them, for fear of getting in over our heads. Unfortunately, people with this attitude also miss out on the practical side of technology. Once they’re comfortable with it, the conveniences enable them to learn new things, keep in touch, and share their lives with others.

Many people don’t improve or overcome their weaknesses for years, decades, or ever. That’s a shame, for them, and the people who care about them. You have one life. Keep expanding that life. Keep growing and learning, all the way to the end.

Some of our life experiences are difficult and end up making us like a wall of concrete. We might carefully control what goes in and out to avoid further pain. A fresh hit from the outside in the form of a trial or an unexpected event knocks some stones out of that wall, and this can be a gift in disguise. That event can lead us to be more open and less self-protective, which will lead to a richer life. However, it’s up to us if we let that event open us up or harden us even more.


Hmm. Something to think about, eh?

Growing and dreaming fall into a similar category, which is bringing something new into your life and radar. New habits, new ideas, goals . . . and dreams.

I have some short-term dreams coming up. I have a new three (or more) book romance series in the oven. Not nearly done, but it’s there, slowly roasting in my mind and on paper. My last series was romantic women’s fiction. I hope you loved that! But I like writing romance because it gives the man’s perspective too. And that can be really interesting.

So, keep dreaming, growing, and reading. And I’ll do the same. I’ll add writing to that!


PS If you’re interested in hearing some highlights of my trip to France, check out this link to Oliver’s France.